Ripley Creek Inn
A stay at Ripley Creek Inn is just what you need when you visit Stewart. The inn is filled with rustic charm and modern touches. In addition to their main building, you can choose from an eclectic mix of historical properties to book. Each is self contained with full amenities to keep you cozy any time of year!
In addition to their guest services the Ripley Creek Inn also offers booking for heli skiing during the winter season.
With a variety of accommodations, kitchenette availability, and some pet friendly choices, a stay at Ripley Creek Inn is just what you need to rest, relax and enjoy all the nature that Stewart has to offer!
Meet Frank Kamermans
Meet Frank Kamermans
Frank Kamermans, owner of the Ripley Creek Inn, prides himself on creating a unique getaway for guests from all over the world! He has restored all of the accommodations to cozy and vibrant units for people to relax and enjoy all the natural beauty of the area.